Online Pain Management


The fentanylpowder Management of Pain programme aims to tackle the ‘real-world’ challenges faced by clinicians, with a strong focus and connection to patients and working in practice. It is a multidisciplinary programme that aims to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence of clinicians working with people experiencing pain using up-to-date evidence in a modern teaching environment.

Our part-time, fully online programme offers you a wide range of educational opportunities. With a flexible and broad selection of options, from single courses through to Masters of Science degrees, we offer you a unique opportunity to have direct contact with international students, lecturers, tutors and experts in pain management from across the world, to widen your understanding of pain in a variety of clinical contexts.

Developed for working clinicians

Our programme is delivered entirely online with no requirement to attend the University of Edinburgh campus. It was designed specifically for online delivery and learning, and, our online platform allows working clinicians from a range of professions, backgrounds and countries, the opportunity to learn together whilst meeting their personal and professional commitments.

High quality teaching

The University of Edinburgh has a growing portfolio of established and highly regarded online distance learning postgraduate programmes, with thousands of students currently taking advantage of this mode of education. Expert clinicians and educationalists who hold postgraduate qualifications in teaching and learning as well as recognition as Fellows or Senior Fellows of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) will teach and support your learning. Many of our core teaching staff have been recognised in national teaching awards and have received recognition by our students in the annual Edinburgh University Students Association (EUSA) teaching awards (with nominations for Best Support Staff, Best Tutor and Best Course).

PAIN from elearning for healthcare is the place to start for anyone working in the NHS who wishes to better understand and manage pain. e-PAIN is a multidisciplinary programme based on the global organisation, the International Association for the Study of Pain’s recommended multidisciplinary curriculum for healthcare professionals learning about pain management. Registration to the programme is free to all NHS staff members.

Pain touches everyone. It is a universal human experience and one of the most common reasons to seek medical advice. Pain is more than just suffering, it can impact on individuals and affect their day-to-day physical activity, emotional wellbeing and sometimes that of their family. Pain can affect any individual’s ability to work and as a consequence impact on both their community and society as a whole. Pain touches not only individuals – healthcare professionals in many areas understand the impact of poorly managed pain in their everyday work.

PAIN uniquely distills the knowledge of a range of professionals into 12 Modules made up of interactive sessions to meet the needs of a multidisciplinary audience. The modules cover knowledge ranging from how to managing acute pain well, through to learning in depth about common pain conditions and moves on to cover how to manage pain in specialist areas, like pain in cancer or pain in childhood. PAIN  is current, up to date and presented in an interactive way to make both basic and specialist knowledge accessible.

Any e-PAIN module can be completed stand alone and a downloadable certificate is available upon completion of each module; you can view a certificate template by clicking here. Most sessions take on average 30 minutes to complete and each module has on average 5 sessions.

PAIN is a collaboration between the The Faculty of Pain Medicine, the British Pain Society and elearning for healthcare. It is provided by Health Education England.

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