talk to your health care provider about how to treat your pain.
create a safe and effective treatment plan that is right for you.
- Can control and alleviate mild to moderate painwith fewside effects.
- Can reduce exposure to opioids and dependency
•May not be covered by insurance.
•May not be effective for severe pain.
non-oPioid MedicationS deScriPtionS, additional advantaGeS&DISADVANTAGES
acetaminophen (tylenol) Relieves mild–moderate pain, and treats headache, muscle aches, arthritis, backache, toothaches, colds and fevers.
Overdoses can cause liver damage.
anti-inflammatory drugs (nSaids):
Aspirin, Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), Naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn)
Relieve mild–moderate pain, and reduce swelling and inflammation. Risk of stomach problems increases for people who take
NSAIDs regularly. Can increase risk of bleeding.
nerve PainMedications:
Gabapentin (Neuraptine), Pregabalin (Lyrica)
Relieve mild–moderate nerve pain (shooting and burning pain). Side effects include: drowsiness, dizziness, loss of
coordination, tiredness and blurred vision.
Effexor XR, Cymbalta, Savella
Relieve mild–moderate chronic pain, nerve pain (shooting and burning pain) and headaches. Depending on medication, side
effects can include: drowsiness, dizziness, tiredness, constipation, weight loss or gain.
Medicated creams, Foams, Gels, lotions, ointments, Sprays and Patches:
Anesthetics(Lidocaine), NSAIDs,Muscle Relaxers, Capsaicin,
Compound Topicals
Can be safer to relieve mild-moderate pain because medication is applied where the pain is. Anesthetics relieve nerve pain
(shooting and burning pain) by numbing an area; NSAIDs relieve the pain of osteoarthritis, sprains, strains and overuse
injuries; muscle relaxers reduce pain by causing muscles to become less tense or stiff; and capsaicin relieves
musculoskeletal and neuropathic pain. Compounded topicals prepared by a pharmacist can be customized to meet a
patient’s specific needs. Skin irritation is the most common side effect. Capsaicin can cause warmth, stinging or burning on
the skin.
interventional PainManagement
Includes anesthetic or steroid injections around nerves, tendons, joints or muscles; spinal cord stimulation; drug delivery
systems; or permanent or temporary nerve blocks. Medicates specific areas of the body. Can provide short-term and longterm relief from pain. Certain medical conditions and allergies can cause complications.
non-opioid anesthesia Opioids can be replaced with safer medications that block pain during and after surgery. A health care provider or an
anesthesiologist can provide options and discuss side effects.
Alternatives to opioids
- Can control and alleviate mild to moderate pain with few side effects.
- Can reduce exposure to opioids and dependency.
- treatment targets the area of pain—not systemic.
- Providers are licensed and regulated by the state of Florida.*
•May not be covered by insurance. - Relief from pain may not be immediate.
•May not be effective for severe pain.